Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Coping With Nocturnal Panic Attacks With Life Style Changes That Deliver Results

Panic attacks can strike even during your sleep and these are normally most frightening. This type of attack is known as Nocturnal Panic attacks. Since this attack happens during your sleep you are generally Melatonin And Sleep Apnea prepared for such an situation. Also many people tend to get confused between these attacks and dreams. Some people also mistakenly think that it is a heart attack. People experience sweating, palpitations, breathlessness etc , which is the same as the normal day time attack. Continue reading to understand possible causes and how to cope with this disorder...

People who suffer from panic disorder during day time may not always suffer from it at night also. However it is not uncommon to see people suffering from panic disorder at night suffering from it during day time also. The percentage of panic disorders at night is only about 10 % of the total.

Although the exact cause for these attacks at night is not know, one of the reason given is sleep disorder, which causes an accelerated heart beat, which in turn brings about changes in the blood pressure levels resulting in an attack. One more reason that is commonly believed is the imbalance between oxygen and carbon dioxide in our blood resulting in triggering the false suffocation alarm which in turn causes the panic attack.

Best way to cope from this disorder is to bring about the following life style changes:

  1. Avoid eating a full and heavy meal at night before going to bed. A heavy meal will result in heavy metabolic activity by your body to digest the food, thus making the body work hard rather than relaxation.
  2. Eliminate excess amount of coffee, sugar and alcohol if you are suffering from frequent attacks.
  3. Prepare your body well before sleep. Insomnia Solution watching the television at least 30 minutes before you go to bed. Listening to relaxation music or reading a relaxing book may be good.
  4. If you are hit by an attack during sleep and you wake up then you may do the breathing exercises by inhaling through you nose slowly and exhaling through your mouth. Repeat this a few times and you should feel better.

The key to coping with Nocturnal Panic attacks is to prepare yourself for recognizing the situation and taking best corrective action. To really prevent this problem , there are some excellent Natural treatment options available. Do try these options for sure.

Looking for Natural Treatment Options ? Here are some excellent Natural Nocturnal Panic Attacks treatments available, which can be implemented easily without any side effects and withdrawal symptoms. To get comprehensive reports on various natural anxiety and panic attacks treatment products visit

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