Are you working in an organization where leaders model highly-tuned emotional intelligence and social intelligence? Do the leaders in your organization inspire others to create an exciting future full of possibilities? Does your company or law firm have a high performance leadership program developing emotionally Leadership Types And Qualities and socially intelligent leaders?
One of the most powerful questions one can ask is Do our organizational leaders have the interpersonal skills to demonstrate empathy? Empathetic and inspiring leaders excite followers with high levels of energy and hope for a better future.
Are you a leader who models an innovative and inspiring leadership style? Are you able to create a high performance workplace by creating a workplace where employees are fully engaged and leaders inspire people to innovate and accomplish important goals?
Lack of Empathy
Much has been written about emotional intelligence and the importance of empathy for business leaders. While they crave empathy from others, narcissistic leaders are not known for returning the favor. Bill Gates and Andy Grove demonstrate one can be charismatic and successful without empathy.
Neither Churchill, de Gaulle, Stalin, nor Mao Tse-tung were empathetic, but each had the capacity to lead others because they were great communicators. They inspired followers with their passion and convictions at times when people longed for certainty.
In radical times, a lack of empathy may actually facilitate change. A narcissist finds it easier than other personality types to buy and sell companies, close and Minority Leader Of The Us facilities, and lay off employees which are decisions that inevitably make many people angry and sad. But narcissistic leaders are typically able to carry on with no regrets.
This explains why narcissistic leaders score poorly on interpersonal-skills evaluations. Neither 360-degree evaluations nor listening workshops make them more empathic. They resist change as long as they are successful or have no reason to yield.
Street Smarts
But narcissists possess a kind of street-smart emotional intelligence. They are acutely aware of whether people are with them wholeheartedly. They know who they can use and can be brutally exploitative.
So, in spite of their star qualities, narcissistic leaders are often unlikable. They easily stir up people against them. But it is also true, in tumultuous times, that people are willing to tolerate narcissists as leaders when their gifts are desperately needed.
Working with a seasoned executive coach trained in emotional intelligence and incorporating leadership assessments such as the Bar-On EQ-i and CPI 260 can help you become an inspiring leader who displays the qualities of empathetic leadership. You can become a leader who models emotional intelligence and social intelligence, and who inspires people to become happily engaged with the strategy and vision of your company or law firm.
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Dr. Maynard Brusman is a consulting psychologist, executive coach and trusted advisor to senior leadership teams.
We provide strategic talent management solutions to select and develop emotionally intelligent leaders and lawyers.
The Society for Advancement of Consulting (SAC) awarded two rare "Board Approved" designations for Dr. Maynard Brusman in the specialties of Executive/Leadership Coaching and Trusted Advisor to Attorneys and Law Firms.
Dr. Maynard Brusman
Working Resources
P.O. Box 471525 San Francisco, California 94147-1525
Tel: 415-546-1252 Fax: 415-721-7322