Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Questions To Ask Employees You Want To Retain

Times of cost cutting Effective Leader Make downsizing has dramatically impacted the way employees look at their careers. Employees at all levels now know better than ever that job security is no longer something they can count on. They've been required to think bigger, look at other options and do whatever it takes to prepare themselves for the future. In essence, they have let go of their corporate commitment and become "free agents" in search of the best opportunity available.

"Retention of talent" has become a key strategy for the largest corporations around the world. Some are looking at things like building new fitness centers. Others have gone deeper and are looking to their leaders to become more competent "retention managers".

Take time now to start talking to your people, really listening to their responses and taking action to change what needs to be changed. Here are a few questions to get you started:

  1. What would make your work more meaningful and satisfying?
  2. What conditions would cause you to seek employment elsewhere?
  3. What is it that keeps you from seeking other employment?
  4. What changes need to be made in your work environment?
  5. How do you like to be rewarded and acknowledged for a good job?
  6. What is your greatest challenge or roadblock?
  7. What makes you feel like a valuable contributor?
  8. What support, tools/resources, skills or empowerment do you need to be more effective?
  9. What strengths or talents do you have that aren't being utilized?
  10. What de-motivates you?
  11. What else needs to be asked?

About The Author

Lora J Adrianse is the owner of Essential Connections. She is a Coach, Consultant and Facilitator who specializes in the development managers and business owners. She recently left a long-term corporate career to focus on her passion for helping others bring out the best in themselves through the use of Emotional Intelligence. She can be reached through her website http://www.connectionscoach.com; coach@connectionscoach.com

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Motivation Quotes

Quotes are words full of wisdom that can be shared with anyone who reads them and they can come from anywhere. Normally, they are submitted and rated by visitors like you. Also there are famous Us Senator Terms from great thinkers from all over Non Profit Leadership world. Different types of quotes include amusing quotes, friendship quotes, love quotes, and motivational quotes.

Motivating others generates enthusiasm and encouraging others Define Leadership find solutions when things are not going smoothly is a form of kindness. Motivation quotes are found effective in motivating others, inspiring and stimulating them. Also, they are powerful enough to deflect negative and destructive thoughts.

In other words, motivation quotes are words of encouragement that helps you stay focused and committed to your goals. Designed to boost your strength of mind, motivational quotes are capable of making positive changes in your life.

Motivation quotes can be accompanied by breathtaking photographs of nature scenes, ambient music, and artifacts. Sports motivational quotes, business motivational quotes, student motivational quotes, teen motivational quotes, employee motivational quotes, and weight loss motivational quotes are some of the different types of motivational quotes.

Reading or listening to motivation quotes helps you to gain a higher level of performance in all aspects of your life. Motivational quotes help to improve employee productivity, improve your financial position and security, and accelerate the achievement of your goals. Majority of motivational quotes come from artists, noted athletes, business leaders, entertainers, historical leaders, great thinkers, and philosophers. Motivational quotes of great leaders, writers, and poets can help you feel more encouraged.

If you are looking for motivational quotes, then the Internet is the best resource. It includes quotes about motivation, how to motivate, and how to get motivated. In most of the websites, motivation quotes are organized by categories. A wide range of motivational quotes for personal development, success, professional achievement, and positive life change are found in the Internet. Besides the Internet, there are journals and books where you can find the best motivation quotes.

Motivation provides detailed information on Motivation, Daily Motivation, Employee Motivation, Motivation Posters and more. Motivation is affiliated with Christian Motivational Speakers.

Its official: the U.S. has been in a recession for the past 12 months. Its clear that many people are to blame crooked bankers and stock market traders, inept Congressmen who lack integrity and a president who has failed to demonstrate good fiscal leadership. But what about you and me? Have we contributed to the economic crisis? The answer is yes. As a nation we believe we are entitled to ...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Diversity in the Workplace: Benefits, Challenges and Solutions

Workplace diversity refers to the variety Effective Leadership Make differences between people in an organization. That sounds simple, but diversity encompasses race, gender, ethnic group, age, personality, cognitive style, tenure, organizational function, education, background and more.

Diversity not only involves how people perceive themselves, but how they perceive others. Those perceptions affect their interactions. For a wide assortment of employees to function effectively as an organization, human resource professionals need to deal effectively with issues such as communication, adaptability and change. Diversity will increase significantly in the coming years. Successful organizations recognize the need for immediate action and are ready and willing to spend resources on managing diversity in the workplace now.

Benefits of Workplace Diversity

An organizations success and competitiveness depends upon its ability to embrace diversity and realize the benefits. When organizations actively assess their handling of workplace diversity issues, develop and implement diversity plans, multiple benefits are reported such as:

Increased adaptability

Organizations employing a diverse workforce can supply a greater variety of solutions to problems in service, sourcing, and allocation of resources. Employees from diverse backgrounds bring individual talents and experiences in suggesting ideas that are flexible in adapting to fluctuating markets and customer demands.

Broader service range

A diverse collection of skills and experiences (e.g. languages, cultural understanding) allows a company to provide service to customers on a global basis.

Variety of viewpoints

A diverse workforce that feels comfortable communicating varying points of view provides a larger pool of ideas and experiences. The organization can draw from that pool to meet business strategy needs and the needs of customers more effectively.

More effective execution

Companies that encourage diversity in the workplace inspire all of their employees to perform to their highest ability. Company-wide strategies can then be executed; resulting in higher productivity, profit, and return on investment.

Challenges of Diversity in the Workplace

Taking full advantage of the benefits of diversity in the workplace is not without its challenges. Some of those challenges are:

Communication - Perceptual, cultural and language barriers need to be overcome for diversity programs to succeed. Ineffective communication of key objectives results in confusion, lack of teamwork, and low morale.

Resistance to change - There are always employees who will refuse to accept the fact that the social and cultural makeup of their workplace is changing. The weve always done it this way mentality silences new ideas and inhibits progress.

Implementation of diversity in the workplace policies - This can be the overriding challenge to all diversity advocates. Armed with the results of employee assessments and research data, they must build and implement a customized strategy to maximize the effects of diversity in the workplace for their particular organization.

Successful Management of Diversity in the Workplace - Diversity training alone is not sufficient for your organizations diversity management plan. A strategy must be created and implemented to create a culture of diversity that permeates every department and function of the organization.

Recommended steps that have been proven successful in world-class organizations are:

Assessment of diversity in the workplace - Top companies make assessing and evaluating their diversity process an integral part of their management system. A customizable employee satisfaction survey can accomplish this assessment for your company efficiently and conveniently. It can help your management team determine which challenges and obstacles to diversity are present in your workplace and which policies need to be added or eliminated. Reassessment can then determine the success of you diversity in the workplace plan implementation.

Development of diversity in the workplace plan - Choosing a survey provider that provides comprehensive reporting is a key decision. That report will be the beginning structure of your diversity in the workplace plan. The plan must be comprehensive, attainable and measurable. An organization must decide what changes need to be made and a timeline for that change to be attained.

Implementation of diversity in the workplace plan - The personal commitment of executive and managerial teams is a must. Leaders and managers within organizations must incorporate diversity policies into every aspect of the organizations function and purpose. Attitudes toward diversity originate at the top and filter downward. Management cooperation and participation is required to create a culture conducive to the success of your organizations plan.

Recommended diversity in the workplace solutions include:

Ward off change resistance with inclusion. - Involve every employee possible in formulating and executing diversity initiatives in your workplace.

Foster an attitude of openness in your organization. - Encourage employees to express their ideas and opinions and attribute a sense of equal value to all.

Promote diversity in leadership positions. - This practice provides visibility and realizes the benefits of diversity in the workplace.

Utilize diversity training. - Use it as a tool to shape your diversity policy.

Launch a customizable employee satisfaction survey that provides comprehensive reporting. - Use the results to build and implement successful diversity in the workplace policies.

As the economy becomes increasingly global, our workforce becomes increasingly diverse. Organizational success and competitiveness will depend on the ability to manage diversity in the workplace effectively. Evaluate your organizations diversity policies and plan for the future, starting today.


This article may be reproduced provided it is published in its entirety, includes the author bio information, and all links remain active.

For additional employee surveying resources go to http://www.alphameasure.com.

2004 AlphaMeasure, Inc. - All Rights Reserved

Josh Greenberg is President of AlphaMeasure, Inc. located in Boulder, Colorado.

AlphaMeasure provides organizations of all sizes a powerful web based method for measuring employee satisfaction, determining employee engagement, and increasing employee retention.

The AlphaMeasure Employee Survey System is fully-customizable and allows you to target the organizational topics and challenges facing your staff today. Designed by HR professionals from the ground up, the AlphaMeasure Employee Satisfaction Survey System provides an affordable, feature rich solution for deploying fully-customized employee satisfaction or employee engagement surveys.

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The House ethics panel must muster the courage to actually vet Representative Charles Rangel and Speaker Pelosi must urge or demand that Mr. Rangel give up his chairmanship while the investigation proceeds.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Leaders Must Be Exceedingly Careful, Cautious, and Responsible, When They Speak About Self-Esteem

I first Leadership And Motivation it in Kilsyth eleven years ago, when speaking to a youth group. I have heard it in the prison, and while sitting on Children's Panel hearings.

"I have low self-esteem." "Who told you that?" I asked. "My Social Worker," was the reply.

We have to be careful what we say to people. It can have a highly negative affect.

Leaders must aim to be positive, encouraging, seeking to build people up, of course without ignoring reality.

Moses sent out twelve spies to check out the Promised Land, and ten came back reporting that the inhabitants were like giants, and that we were like grasshoppers in our own eyes. The text of what actually happened and the report of their expedition can be found at Numbers Chapter 13 in the Old Testament.

Some would suggest these ten men had low self-esteem. Take the land? No, we cannot do that!

Had they forgotten the Passover, the Red Sea deliverance, the fresh water and manna, and the Ten Commandments, and the powerful leadership of Moses?

When people forget what Almighty God has done in the past, and start assessing current situations through their own eyes, it can appear bleak.

Two of the spies brought back samples of fruit from the Promised Land following their forty day expedition and they spoke very differently. "We can go up and take the land. We can do it."

Joshua and Caleb were positive. They seemed to know what God was doing and with the help of God they would accomplish this difficult task. They were proved right.

Low self-esteem did not cloud their vision nor diminish their ambition. Low self-esteem or even being told you have low self-esteem can do that to a person.

Joshua was Moses' faithful assistant, and succeeded to the leadership of the people, and Caleb followed the Lord, the God of Israel, wholeheartedly.

Joshua had been with Moses throughout the wilderness journey. He must have learned a lot during that informative apprenticeship.

It is said that low self-esteem is common among losers! These thoughts are anathema in the Kingdom of God.

Joshua proved to be an effective and successful leader. He sowed and he reaped.

What leaders say and do has greater impact than we sometimes realise and recognise.

Sandy Shaw

Sandy Shaw is Pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship, Chaplain at Inverness Prison, and Nairn Academy, and serves on The Children's Panel in Scotland, and has travelled extensively over these past years teaching, speaking, in America, Canada, South Africa, Australia, making 12 visits to Israel conducting Tours and Pilgrimages, and most recently in Uganda and Kenya, ministering at Pastors and Leaders Seminars, in the poor areas surrounding Kampala, Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu.

He broadcasts regularly on WSHO radio out of New Orleans, and writes a weekly commentary at http://www.studylight.org entitled Us Senator Term Length from Of Republicans In The House Of Representatives on various biblical themes, as well as a weekly newspaper column.

His M.A. and B.D. degrees are from The University of Edinburgh, and he continues to run and exercise regularly to maintain a level of physical fitness.

Sandy Shaw

Eds: UPDATES with additional background, quotes. ADDS byline, Internet note.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

NASSP Asserts Students Should Not Pay Extra for School Sponsored Activities, Courses, or Programs (PRWeb)

Nor should schools be forced to find funds. (PRWeb Nov 25, 2008) Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/NASSP/student_activity_fees/prweb1665034.htm

In performing leadership functions, managers sometimes make Leadership Theories to change Advanced Leadership Development Program from one leadership style to another with changes in the situation. This is rather difficult to do for most people and unless one learns to do it effectively, it may only make matters Leadership Development International China What really matters from the point of view of effective direction is that the leader provides the lead to the satisfaction of the led.

A manager must be very careful in his conduct in the presence of his subordinates. Every little act, gesture, expression and movement on his part is watched and interpreted by the subordinates in relation to their own work. In exercising leadership functions in his formal position, a manager must avoid all kinds of false impression formation on the part of his subordinates. He must strive to develop and maintain morale by evoking confidence and zeal.

The leader can win and maintain his subordinates confidence in him by establishing his superiority in knowledge and his ability to provide psychological support when needed. According to experts, leader should make use of orientation, which consists in providing the subordinate with the required information about his functions and its relationship with other functions, follow it up with training in managerial skills and continued supervision and provide his subordinates with job security assuming that he is efficient.

In addition, the other important function of managerial leadership is to create and sustain enthusiasm for organizational goals and activities. This is somewhat complicated. The manager exercising leadership in motivating his subordinates towards organizational goals should try to determine the conditions of factors in the organizational situation which prompt a subordinate to put in efforts beyond the acceptable minimum. The function of creating enthusiasm for the enterprise goals can be performed by the use of two techniques: inspiring subordinates and strengthening personal qualities.

Leadership provides detailed information on Leadership, Leadership Training, Leadership Development, Leadership Styles and more. Leadership is affiliated with Corporate Leadership Training.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

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